Pièce PH26842 - 179 attend May rally of Presbyterian WMS

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179 attend May rally of Presbyterian WMS


  • 2015-05-06 (Production)

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Newspaper Article

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"The May Rally of the Barrie Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society held at the First Presbyterian Church, Collingwood, was attended by about 179 women. President Mrs. Forrest McKee, Collingwood, led using 'Let Your Light Shine' as her theme. The mediations were given by Mrs. Bernell McKay and Mrs. Mel Strachan of the the Central Oro group. Reports on the Synodical meetingg held at the Kingsway Church in Islington, were given. Mrs. R. H. McKee, Collingwood, gave ideas to everyone on how to create interest in their own congregations during her talk on Christian concerns. The ladies of the hosting church served a salad luncheon. Rev. Douglas Wilson of the First Presbyterian Church, took the afternoon session beginning with a communion service. Mrs.Stanley Bloss, area secretary of the Toronto-Kinston synodical, was the guest speaker. In her address, she pointed out that faith and truth make for a beautiful life; they wipe out all doubts. Tea and fruit breads were served at the close of the meeting."

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