Item 2016-11-02-08 - Bradford fire chief, wife celebrate 40th anniversary

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Bradford fire chief, wife celebrate 40th anniversary


  • 1975-10-08 (Produção)

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"A number of friends were on hand last Sunday afternoon to help Edward (Ted) gapp and Audrey Gapp celebrate 40 years of marriage.
A reception was held at the Bradford firehall for the Gapp's. It was a fitting location because Mr. Gapp has been the chief of the town's volunteer fire department for many years.
The Gapp's were married on October 2, 1935 and have spent their entire married life in Bradford. In addition to his involvement with the fire department, Mr. gapp works as caretaker of the town hall.
Mr. gapp has lived in Bradford since he came to Canada at the age of seven with his parents. He was born and lived his early years in England.
The guests enjoyed tea and coffee with the Gapp's. The head table was decorated with a beautiful flower arrangement.
As chief of the fire department, Mr. Gapp has seen the addition of more equipment and particularly a new pumper truck earlier this year. The truck was provided by West Gwillimbury Township to permit better service to the township.
Mr. and Mrs. Gapp said the recent weather is very similar to that of 40 years ago. "Our wedding day was much like today," Mr. Gapp said Sunday. "It was cool and foggy in the morning but once the sun burned it off, it was a beautiful day." "

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Bradford Witness
October 8, 1975
Vol. 109, No. 41
Pg 1
Microfilm Reel # 87

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