Pièce 2016-02-27-01 - Bradford Railway Station Sign Plaque

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CA BWGPL LHC-Libr-LibraryLife-2000s/10s-2016-02-27-01


Bradford Railway Station Sign Plaque


  • 2017 (Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

Dry mounted plaque

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Histoire archivistique

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Plaque was hung in the Library Café at 425 Holland Street West in February, 2017. It accompanies the old Bradford Railway Sign hanging in the Café.

Plaque reads:
The railway station in Bradford has a long history serving the leisure travel, commuting and freight needs of our community. Bradford’s economy has always been strongly tied to railway access to Toronto; historically supporting booming livestock industry and facilitating other exports. Wagon loads of wheat were at times lined up back to Bond Head waiting to load their wheat onto rail cars. More
recently it serves as a commuter link with Union Station.

The present station was built around 1900 by the Grand Trunk Railway (GTR) in response to strong economic growth tied to industry.

The current station was acquired by GO Transit in December 1998, and over the next number of years undertook extensive renovations to help adapt it to its role as a vital commuter link along the Barrie to Union Station Line. The most significant renovations took place in 2006-2007 with the pouring of a new concrete foundation and the removal of parts of a previous
renovation from the 1950s.

Designed by Peter Wilson

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