Item 2016-11-02-06 - A bradford Sesquicentennial renaissence

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A bradford Sesquicentennial renaissence


  • 2007-06-09 (Produção)

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Newspaper article

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"The town of Bradford is undergoing a bit of a mini-Renaissance. It's not just the Home Depot now under construction and due to open this summer, the planned Loblaw and new LCBO outlet that will be built on Holland St. west of Melbourne Drive. It's not just the banners displaying the Town's official flower, the Black-eyed Susan; or the new Sesquicentennial banners for Bradford's 150th birthday; or the flowering beds, or the new additions to both High Schools.
There is also the return of businesses seriously damaged by fire in 2006 - F.K. Textiles, the 88 & 11 Convenience Store, and Annit "a" Haircut - and a number of new stores and ventures that have opened, including Condy Books, on Barrie St.
On top of that, a growing number of established businesses in the community are celebrating the success of their enterprises, with Anniversary celebrations - from the 1st Anniversary of Dutch Treats, the Dutch Store and Deli at 15 Holland St. east; to the 29th Anniversary of Joella's Jewellery & Gifts, 32nd Anniversary of Bradford Rental Sales & Service, to one of the oldest businesses in Town: Spence TIM-BR Mart, now in its 98th year of service.
In this Sesquicentennial year, that's something to celebrate."

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  • inglês

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Bradford West Gwillimbury Times
June 9, 2007
Vol. 16, No. 23
Pg 13
Microfilm reel # 119

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