PH25403 - Bradford Womens Institute Now in 50th Year

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Bradford Womens Institute Now in 50th Year


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Source : Tweedsmuir
Media Type : Photograph
Physical Description :
Circa : 1975
Author Creator : The Bradford Witness - Special Supplement

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Community : Bradford West Gwillimbury
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Description : Bradford Women's Institute now in 50th Year

A host of women in the Bradford area are members of the Women's Institute, an organization working for "Home and Country," its motto.

Mrs. Dan Celements heads the 25 member Bradford W.I. this year celebrating its 50th anniversary.

In days past this active group once raised $1,200 to furnish a room in York County Hospital. Secretary Mrs. Gordon Church notes Bradford members are getting older and not able to undertake such ambitious projects now. New members are always welcome, she says, and especially younger women, the greatest need of the branch.

In 1974, members heard excellent addresses on topics such as Unemployment Insurance and the care of lawns. Christmas boxes were prepared for residents at Simcoe Manor, Beeton and Martingale Villa.

Bond Head Women's Institute was instrumental in securing the warning light on Highway 27, at the dangerous hilltop at the north end of the the village, Mrs. Hulse Stoddart, the secretary reports.

The first library in Bond Head was started by the W.I. in Hipwell's store many years ago. This branch has donated furnishings, including pianos, to the community hall and stocked the kitchen with dishes and silver.

Dozens of teenage girls have benefitted from 4-H Homemaking Clubs sponsored by Bond Head W.I. and 20 have received provincial honors for the completion of 12 projects.

Mrs. William Reynolds is president of the 31-member branch organized 55 years ago.

On May 6 this Institute will be host to the South Simcoe convention known as the District Annual. Mrs. Sinclair Stevens will be the speaker.

Tec-We-Gwill W.I. draws members from two townships, West Gwillimbury and Tecumseth, as its name implies. President Mrs. Allan Orr lists its most ambitious project as a new furnace for Newton Robinson Hall installed in Centennial year.

This winter the branch sponsored a quilting course open to anyone in the area. A class of 37, many non-institute members, profited by the course.

Secretary Mrs. Milton Calder notes this branch sponsors an Austrian girl through the Canadian Save the Children's Fund and 4-H Clubs at home.

Tec-We-Gwill, which boasts 40 members celebrated its 25th anniversary three years ago.

Fisher's Corners, organized in 1921 still has an active charter member, Mrs. W.J. Hounsome. The 20-member group raises funds by opening food booths at auction sales. Recently, it presented stacking chairs to Newton Robinson Hall. Secretary Mrs. Ben Steers reports Don Jackson from the Children's Aif Society, Barrie, gave an educational address to them on "stress". Mrs. Clarence Noble is the president.

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