Item PH26650 - Committee finding support for clock

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CA BWGPL LHC-Newsp-Arti-PH26650


Committee finding support for clock


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Media Type : Newspaper Article
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Municipality :
Community : Bradford
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Description : The Bradford West Gwillimbury Times has been describing the cost of the Millennium Clock Tower as approximately $87,000. That's true; however the proposed "obelisk", which will bear the history of Bradford West Gwillimbury, will add another $15,000 to the project, for a total of at least $102,000. However, proponents of the plan are positive that the funds can be raised within the community, without leaving the ratepayer on the hook for extra expense. Interest has already been expressed by local businesses and long-time residents, who wish to leave a record of the Town's history and heritage, and participate in creating a symbol for the Millennium. The
Community Help Day at Holy Trinity High School - an annual fundraiser that offers students as community helpers for a day, for a $10 donation - has already promised half of the funds raised to the Millennium clock project. Other fundraisers are in the works, including a "Walk for the Clock", a Silent Auction at the Super Saturday street celebration, and The Mayor's Golf Tournament, on August 26th. The history of the Town, to be carved on the granite obelisk, will be written by local historians George Jackson and Barbara Verney. "Its going to create a landmark," says chair of the Downtown Revitalization Committee, Mikki Nanowski. She adds, "I'm not worried about the money at all - and I'm really looking forward to the party!" The Downtown Revitalization Committee hopes to have the project completed by December 31st, 1999, and start up the clock at midnight on New Year's Eve, as part of a huge street party and Millennium celebration.

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