Parte PH25360 - Convent's Fate Still Questionable

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CA BWGPL WEG-Arch-OS8412-PH25360


Convent's Fate Still Questionable


  • 1988-06-28 (Produção)

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Newspaper article

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Municipality :
Community : Bradford West Gwillimbury
Lot :
Concession :
Description : Convent's Fate Still Questionable

The Recreation Facilities Committee made formal presentations to both the Parks and Recreation Committee and Town Council last week with regard to their recommendation that the old convent/St. Mary's be considered as the "ideal" location to house the new Recreation and Cultural Complex.

In his presentation, Steve Boland a member of the Facilities Committee, explained that "many other sites were considered, but due to topography, space, location and overcrowding constraints, none seemed quite as suitable as the Convent site."

Before endorsement by the Facilities Committee was given for this site proposal, certain advantages were already present: centralized location, adequate parking; land belongs to the Town; large enough to meet required needs, etc. In addition, due to the Convent's age of 112 years, heritage and recreation grants would likely be available, to assist with restoration of the convent. Last, but not least, hopefully the community would support fundraising efforts to restore one of the great landmarks of Bradford.

In order to minimize the disruption of the St. Mary's user groups (Happy Sixties, Rotodale, Cubs, Scouts, volunteer groups etc.), the Committee proposed a relocation schedule be set up for these groups prior to site development.

One of the short-term requests by the Facilities Committee was the adoption by Council to "pretty up" the Convent site in order to cut down on the vandalism which continues to haunt the structure.

Following the presentation, the Committee asked for Council's consideration in approving a Recreation Feasibility study. As Steve Boland reiterated, "the convent is a great asset to the community. It preserves a good deal of Bradford's heritage."

While Mayor dePeuter had no problem accepting the statement and goals as presented, he did have a problem with time frame, considering municipal elections will he held in the Fall. As he stated, "You can't tie one council to another." Since there is no allocation in this year's budget for funding this study, it may well have to wait until next year. In Council's mind, "It's not a priority item; it is urgent, but not nearly as pressing as other matters."

In the Mayor's words "We want to continue to walk, not run." In order for the Committee to "keep on walking", they need Council's approval before they can write up the Terms of Reference, which is the next step in the logical order of progression. (A Terms of Reference being a detailed blueprint of requirements which is tendered out to various consulting firms.)

Without further commitment by Town Council, the Facilities Committee will become a "shell" with no active mandate and may well disband.

This newspaper article is from the Bradford Womens Institute Scrapbooks.

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  • inglês

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Instrumentos de descrição

Bradford Gazette
June 28, 1988
Vol. 1 No. 11
Pg 1
Found in Elsie Curry's 1988-90 Scrapbook

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