Item PH26648 - Editotial Comment: genuine concerns about Millennium Clock Tower

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CA BWGPL LHC-Newsp-Arti-PH26648


Editotial Comment: genuine concerns about Millennium Clock Tower


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Source : Bradford West Gwillimbury Times
Media Type : Newspaper Article
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Municipality :
Community : Bradford
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Concession :
Description : We'd like to begin by praising the achievements of the Downtown Revitalization Committee. With a modest amount of money and a lot of determination and elbow grease, they have in a few scant years transformed what was frankly one of the ugliest downtown areas in all of Ontario into a streetscape with character and charm. The hanging baskets, heritage lights, parkettes, murals and banners have all added to the humanization of the townscape; fundraising events like the Dance Into Spring. Open Air Market and Super Saturday have added to our social landscape. That said, it would be a mistake for members of the Downtown Revitalization Committee to take honest opposition to the Millennium Clock Tower as a personal attack. Judging by the Letters to the Editor and in-the-street comments, residents simply feel the money could be better spent. We are, however, adamantly opposed to ripping up the existing Court House parkette and its maple tree, to put in the clock tower. We would suggest that that is the feeling of the great majority of residents - to whom the Town Council, and ultimately the Downtown Revitalization Committee, are accountable.

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