Item 19168 - Griffiths, Daniel obituary - long

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

CA BWGPL VS-1900-19168


Griffiths, Daniel obituary - long


  • 1958-01-22 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

Newspaper article

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Event Date : Tuesday, January 21, 1958
Event Type : Death
Municipality : Holland Landing, Ont.

Description : One of those tragic accidents, which cast gloom over an entire community and bereaved a most highly esteemed family, occurred early yesterday afternoon at the construction work on Holland Landing hill when Danny Griffiths, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Griffiths of Gilford, was killed. According to information given this office, Danny was driving a bulldozer on the side of the hill when it tipped over on him. He was 23 years of age. Daniel Griffiths was well known in Bradford and throughout the township, as well as in his home district of Gilford, he having been a former Bradford District High School student. By teachers and friends he was appreciated as a quiet and industrious boy, and his very untimely death yesterday brought expressions of sympathy for his parents, his brothers and sisters, as well as a very sincere sense of personal sorrow by all who knew him.Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Griffiths had a family of five, three sons and two daughters. William and the twins, Doris and Donald, the latter two being presently students at Bradford District High School, are at home, and Anne (Mrs. Lochlan Jack) resides in Toronto.The Griffiths family are members of the Gilford United Church.The funeral will be held from the home of his parents on Friday afternoon. Interment will be in St. Paul's Cemetery, Coulson's Hill.

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  • inglês

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The Bradford Witness
Wednesday, January 22, 1958
Vol. 93, No. 4
Page 1
Microfilm Reel # 80

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