5602 - Hillary, Horace & Mary Emma Webb

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Hillary, Horace & Mary Emma Webb


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Source : Bradford Witness
Volume Date : Wednesday, May 29, 1940
Volume : Vol. LXXV, #22
Page : 5
Microfilm : Reel #73

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Event Date : Friday, May 24, 1940
Event Type : Marriage
Municipality :
Community : Bradford
Street :
Lot :
Concession : 0
Description : Trinity Anglican Church, adorned with spring blossoms, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on May 24, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when Mary Emma, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Webb, of Bradford, became the bride of Horace Hillary, son of Mrs. Hillary and the late Col. M.R. Hillary, M.D., of Aurora. Rev. A. G. Channen performed the marriage ceremony and the wedding music was played by Mrs. F.C. CookGiven in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in her wedding gown of pale blue net, fashioned on bouffent lines over pale pink taffeta. Her veil, also of blue net, was fingertip length and was arranged in halo effect and caught with tiny pink buds. She wore elbow length and fingerless handmade blue net gloves and carried a white Prayer Book and spray of Sweetheart roses and lily-of-the-valley. Two bridesmaids were in attendance, their gowns being exact replicas of the bride's in design. Miss Gwen Ward, of Bradford, wore pale pink net and Miss Roberta Doyle, R.N., of Brandon, Manitoba, and a classmate of the bride at Toronto General Hospital, wore pale mauve net. Both wore tiny flowered hats with taffeta bows, in colours to match their dresses and carried nosegays of sweet peas and baby's breath. Mr. Norman Hillary, of Aurora, was his brother's groomsman. The usher were Mr. Ben Webb, of Toronto and Mr. Jack Ardill of Aurora.Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, when the bride's mother received the guests wearing a jacketed frock of blue crepe and corsage of carnations and sweet peas. The groom's mother was gowned in grey, with corsage of carnations and sweet peas, and the groom's grandmother, Mrs. Mussen of Toronto, also wore grey and corsage of Sweetheart roses.Following the reception Mr. and Mrs. Hillary left by motor for a trip to northern points, the bride travelling in a powder blue suite, with accessories of navy and rose, Upon their return they will reside at Vandorf.Prior to her marriage the bride was much feted by her friends, In Bradford her mother gave a trousseau tea and Miss Gwen Ward honoured with a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. G. Teasdale, of Aurora, gave a pantry shelf shower for the bride and her Aurora friends, and in Toronto the bride's class of nurses from Toronto General Hospital gave her a crystal shower.

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