Item PH26662 - Long-Time Bradford Firefighters Receive Prestigious Medallions

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Long-Time Bradford Firefighters Receive Prestigious Medallions


  • 1988-04-19 (Produção)

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Description : Eleven Bradford firefighters were honoured with a service medallion at April 11 Council Meeting. Presentations were made by Mayor William dePeuter. The award on behalf of her Excellency Governor-General Jean Sauve served to exemplify the important recognition of the contribution that the fire service in Canada continues to make in protecting the lives and property of it's citizens. The medallion symbolizes not only long-time service (minimum criteria 20 years), but the continuous and meritous contributions to the protection of lives and property. The following recepients received this most distinguished award provided through the Chancellory of Canadian Orders and Decorations: Ted Bulpit (46 years service); Gord Church (48 yrs. service); Ron Bannerman (40 yrs. service); Pat Pattenden (25 yrs. service); Fred May (25 yrs. service); Roy Saint (46 yrs. service); James Church (50 yrs. service); Orville Hand (40 yrs. service). In addition to these medallions, the Bradford Fire Department was awarded a plaque for their fine efforts in saving the Village Inn Hotel, Nov. 28, 1987. Presentation was made by Councillor Dennis Roughley on behalf of Councillor Bill Dykie, part owner of the Village Inn. The Bradford Fire Department is 130 years young. Their response time to the 400 Highway is a very respectable 5-7 minutes. This high rate of efficiency is due, in part, to the equipment, Bradford Police, the firemen and Bradford Town Council, who ensure there is money available for good equipment. Gord Church, who recently retired, has been replaced by newly-appointed Captain Ted Mendrek. The Bradford Fire Department has originated the position of LIEUTENANT and has filled it with two well-respected town citizens, Appi Sikkema, and Merle McKnight. Their responsibilities will include practice drills and training, along with taking charge of fires. Continual training serves to keep our firefighters 'tops'. On March 23, 1988, two of our volunteer firefighters received CPR certificates with top honours: Mr. John Burns (96%) and Mr. Russ McLennan (92%). As Mr. McLennan said, The working relationship among the firefighters is like a closely-knit family, unlike the rapport on the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team.

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Bradford Gazette
April 19, 1988
Vol. 1,
Microfilm Reel # 101

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