Item 19076 - Macartney, Dr. George Pierce death

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Código de referência

CA BWGPL VS-1900-19076


Macartney, Dr. George Pierce death


  • 1957-11-20 (Produção)

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newspaper article

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Event Date : Sunday, November 10, 1957
Event Type : Death

Description : George Pierce Macartney, Phar. D., M.B., M.D., C.M., who was born in Bradford on April 28, 1866; who left here at the age of fifteen, and returned two years ago to spend his last years here, died on Sunday, November 10, at the age of 91. Dr. Macartney enjoyed remarkably good health for a man of his years until a few weeks before his death. When George Pierce Macartney left Bradford in 1881 he went to Thorold to apprentice in pharmacy in his uncle's store, and in 1886 he obtained his Ontario Pharmacy degree. He then attended University of Toronto and secured his M.D. degree in May, 1891. In 1895 he married Miss Marie Niles of Chatham, New York, and then, being resident in New York, he secured his Pharmacy degree, City of New York, in July 1899. Later he practised in Niagara Falls, N.Y., as a medical doctor for a few years before going to Stratford, Ontario, where for about forty years he practiced as a medical doctor and operated a drug store, being assisted in the latter by his nephew, Edward Niles, who took over the drug store upon Dr. Macartney's retirement, but who predeceased his uncle this past year. Dr. Macartney was bereaved by the death of his wife in 1944, and after her death he went to live with his sister, Miss Anne Macartney in Midland. Miss Macartney died in December, 1954, and Dr. Macartney remained in Midland for a year before coming to Bradford where he spent the past two years with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fuller. Dr. Macartney is survived by a nephew, Frank Macartney of Toronto, and two nieces, Misses Grace and Edith Macartney of Thorold. Another nephew, George Niles, is in Florida. Dr. Macartney was a member, and active in the work, of St. Paul's Anglican Church in Stratford.The funeral was held from the Lathangue-Kilkenny Funeral Home, Bradford, on Tuesday, November 12, and interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto.The Pallbearers were members of Bradford Rotary Club, namely, W. Fuller, V. Coutts, J. Everitt, F. Maurino, C. Ritchie, N. Porter.

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The Bradford Witness
Wednesday, November 20, 1957
Vol. 92, No. 47
Page 8
Microfilm Reel # 80

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