Item PH26615 - The most wonderful gift this municipality has received

The most wonderful gift this municipality has received - part 2
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CA BWGPL LHC-Newsp-Arti-PH26615


The most wonderful gift this municipality has received


  • 1998-05-02 (Produção)

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Newspaper Article

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Description : Over 250 people packed the former Danube Countries
Community Centre, to participate in an historic event - the opening of the Danube Seniors Leisure Centre, on Saturday, April 25th. The event was also a "thank you" to the members of the Danube Countries Unity Club, and John Zima of Luxury Homes Ltd., whose donations, made the Leisure Centre. The German Club built the Hall 27 years ago, as a venue for its monthly dances and special events, but over the years, the members found it more and more difficult to maintain the facility. "So many parties and weddings, we really couldn't handle it any more," said Club president Matthias Naunheimer. The kitchen, for example, was equipped with huge pots - "not the easiest thing to lift!" Last year, the Danube Countries Unity Club approached the municipality, and offered to donate the Hall, with all of its furnishings and equipment, for use as a Seniors' Centre. It took months to finalize all the legal requirements, but last Saturday, the final hurdles were cleared, and the keys handed to the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. Mayor Frank Jonkman called the donation "the most wonderful gift that this municipality has ever received." Mayor Jonkman noted that the agreement still needs to be ratified by Council, but is basically "a done deal". Even so, he said, the facility is "just an empty building" - until the members of the community participate. He hinted that a "little greenhouse" would be donated and added to the facility. The Mayor thanked all of those involved and presented plaques of appreciation.

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Bradford West Gwillimbury Times
May 2, 1998
Vol. 8, No. 18
P1 & 2
Microfilm Reel # 110

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