Item 2016-09-01-04 - New Sesquicentennial Steering Committee

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New Sesquicentennial Steering Committee


  • 2007-02-10 (Produção)

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Newspaper article

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"BWG Council passed a Bylaw appointing the members of the new Sesquicentennial Executive Steering Committee - a committee of Council set up to oversee decisions on the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of Bradford.
Councillor Del Crake was appointed Chair of the Committee; members are Councillors Jeanny Salmon, James Leduc, and Mark Contois.
The Committee will work with the Recreation Department, and with residents, organizations and groups interested in hosting events or getting involved in the Municipal celebration, which will take place from Oct. '07 to Sept. '08.
Among the suggestions: a Celebration Logo Contest, a re-enactment of the inaugural meeting of Council, a Winterfest, Super Picnic, Fireworks, sports tournaments and Civics awards. A New Year's Gala on December 31st, 2007, will be a major fundraiser for an "artifact of object" to be unveiled on July 1, 2008.
The next meeting of the Committee is on February 12th. Any community group or organization interested in getting involved in the Sesquicentennial should contact Manager of Recreation Nick Warman,....
"This is going to be a very exciting time for our town," said Mayor Doug White. "It's going to be one great, great year." "

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  • inglês

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Bradford West Gwillimbury Times
February 10, 2007
Vol. 16, No. 6
Pg 3, col. 4
Microfilm Reel: Bradford West Gwillimbury Times Box 5

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