Item 2017-03-31-01 - Newmarket canal - Hurrah for the Canal

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CA BWGPL LHC-SCom-2017-03-31-01


Newmarket canal - Hurrah for the Canal


  • 1908-05-07 (Produção)

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Newspaper article

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:Judging from the above heading which preceded a local item in the Era of last week, what a time there will be in Newmarket when the Trent Valley Canal branch (so called) is completed through to that town from the Holland River. A gentleman who had spent several days in Newmarket last week and in passing through our village on Monday, wondered if the Laurier Government had gone completely crazy by making a preliminary grant of $700 000 to build a good sized ditch a distance of 8 miles to an inland town. He looked upon it as a political sop. There is no kick coming from the Newmarket Era, however, as may be seen from the following item: "Mr. Grant one of the contractors for Newmarket end of the Canal, has been in town all week making arrangements to commence work. The stone house and one of the barns on the Hulse farm have been leased for a term. Sixty horses arrived here yesterday and more expected to-day. It is said that the contractors intend to employ 300 teams and 400 men. Work will commence this week if not already started, in the vicinity of the "Green Lane," a mile and a quarter north of Newmarket, where a lock and basin will be constructed. The United Factories have received orders to vacate their property on Huron St., where the survey runs, and are advertising a quantity of wood for sale at a low price to save handling twice. It certainly begins to look as if the Newmarket Canal is not all talk."

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Bradford Witness
May 7, 1908
Vol. 40, No. 34
Pg 5
Microfilm Reel # 14

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