Pièce PH25297 - Public Library Officially Opened by Director of Library Services

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Public Library Officially Opened by Director of Library Services


  • 1955-09-21 (Production)

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Newspaper Article

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Description : Pub. Library Officially Opened by Director of Library Services

An inspiring address by Mr. Angus Mowat, Provincial Director of Library Services for Ontario, was the highlight of the official opening of Bradford Public Library last evening.

Mr. Mowat complimented the Library Board, Council and librarian upon the very attractive library which they have created from a room which looked impossible and from materials almost equally in disrepair. The Bradford Public Library is the successful product of local effort and of local leadership, Mr. Mowat stated, adding that this effort has created a charming little library.

During his address Mr. Mowat's reference to the library was as a book service for the people, and he reminded that when books desired are not available in the small home library they can usually be borrowed from the county library. A provincial library for this purpose is a hope for the future.

In reference to Provincial library grants Mr. Mowat informed that in 1945 such grants total $50,000 and this year they total $865,000. Bradford's grant this year will cover 65% of the municipality's expense for the library.

At the close of his address, on behalf of the Ontario Minister of Education, Mr. Mowat declared Bradford Public Library officially opened.

The guests at the meeting were welcomed by Reeve Arthur Evans.

Chairman of the Library Board, Mr. Cecil Brittain, briefly reviewed the conditions leading to the establishing of the library and the services rendered by members of Board, naming particularly the work of the secretary-treasurer, Mr. Dan Blake, and the building committee members, Messrs. Glenn Boyd and F.C. Cook; The Council, particularly the chairman of the town hall committee, Mr. H. Taylor; the librarian, Miss B. Webb; and Mr. Mowat.

Mr. Brittain urged that residents avail themselves of the opportunity to make use of the library which is free to all residing within the municipality of Bradford. To those outside this municipality the charge is one dollar for a library card.

Mr. Mowat was introduced by Mr. Glenn Boyd, who referred to Mr. Mowat's service in two wars as well as his valuable help as director of public libraries. Mr. F.C. Cook, the other member of the building committee, expressed the appreciation for Mr. Mowat's address as well as his wonderful assistance in preparing the library. The history of Ontario Libraries and of Mr. Angus Mowat are one, Mr. Cook declared.

Rev. F.G. MacTavish and Rev. W.S. Johnson added congratulatory words.

Following the singing of the National Anthem refreshments were served by the ladies of Bradford Women's Institute.

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  • anglais

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Instruments de recherche

The Bradford Witness and South Simcoe News
September 21, 1955
Vol. 90, No. 38
Pg 1
Microfilm Reel # 79

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