PH26638 - Some Further Recollections of The Old Times in Bradford

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Some Further Recollections of The Old Times in Bradford


Nivel de descripción

Volumen y soporte

Source :
Media Type : Photograph
Physical Description :
Circa :
Author Creator : Thos. A. Pratt

Área de contexto

Historia archivística

Origen del ingreso o transferencia

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

Municipality :
Community : Bradford
Lot :
Concession :
Description : When Mr. Driffill appeared before that council asking for a by-law respecting the sale of liquor in grocery stores, there was probably simple cause for his request, as there were then at least five hotels licensed to sell liquor, as well as the liquor store. These were: Algeo's Hotel, run by Robt. Algeo; Western Hotel,on site of present Queen's Hotel and which was burned down in 1891; the Innia House, on the corner now occupied by the Bank of Commerce, with William (Billie) Innis as the well known landlord - and poundkeeper, and also, a few years later, the owner of the famous heavy draft stallions, Lochnigar and Defiance, and how proud he was of those horses! Many a summer morn might he be seen on the Bond Head road, 'brushing with hasty steps the dews away!' as he led one or the other of his heavy steeds out for exercise - and never wearing a coat; the Bingham Hotel, the large three-story one that stood on the corner of Holland and Simcoe Streets, the owner and landlord of which was Mr. Robt. Bingham - succeeding landlords of that hotel that I recall were Mr. John Armstrong, a Mr. Harris who came from Toronto, and Mr. Brown - Mrs. Fred McKay's father; and the Lower Hotel, which Mr. Walkter Probert has long since turned into a residence. This one is down near Lukes' mill, nearly opposite Mr. Jas, Church's home. Some time I would like to continue and speak about the ice races and other old time matters mentioned in that ancient copy of the South Simcoe News. But, to close this letter, may I speak of that item in last week's Witness about that Tottenham lacrosse match.

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Fechas de creación revisión eliminación




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