Item 2016-09-09-06 - Spence, Cpl. William obituary

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Spence, Cpl. William obituary


  • 1918-11 (Produção)

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Newspaper article

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"Won Military Medal
The following letter gives details of Corporal Wm G. Spence's death and burial:
France Oct 8th, 1918
Mr. James Spence, Bradford, Ontario Canada
Dear Mr. Spence - it is my very painful duty to have to inform you that your son, No. 345884, Corp. W.G. Spence, was killed in action on the 28th Sept., 1918. He was killed while leading his gun crew forward taking part in the attack on enemy positions close to Bourlou Wood.
At a time like this one almost feels that words are useless, but I would like to express to you my sincere sympathy for you in your bereavement, and it is always nice to know that someone, other than oneself, has known and appreciated he who has gone. Corpl. Spence has been with this Company for quite a lone time now, and will be greatly missed by everyone. He was always well liked by the man, and as a N.C.O. [non-commissioned officer], I always found him all that could be desired.
I am glad to be able to tell you that since I commence to write you I have received notice that Corpl. Spence has been awarded the Military Medal for good work in a previous operation. I might tell you that he won this for very good work while taking part in the attack close to Arras on the 2nd Sept. 1918.
I am enclosing herewith a ring which Corpl. Spence left out of the line with one of the other men. He wished it to be sent to you.
It will doubtless be a consolation for you to know that he was buried in the British military cemetery at Quarry Wood, close to the Canal du Nord.
Again assuring you of my sincere sympathy, believe me to remain,
Yours very truly,
F.J. Burke,
Captain, O.C. "D" [Company], 38th [Canadian Infantry Battalion]."

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Bradford Witness & South Simcoe Times
November 13, 1918
Full newspaper N/A at this time

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