PH25539 - Tactical Unit is on Display

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CA BWGPL LHC-TownBWG-Police-PH25539


Tactical Unit is on Display


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Source : The Bradford Witness and South Simcoe News
Media Type : Photograph
Physical Description :
Circa : 1978
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Community : Bradford West Gwillimbury
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Description : Tactical Unit is on Display

The Bradford Police Department's Crime and Tactical Unit (CAT) will open for public view this week as police departments around the country hold Police Week.

The $14,000 investigation unit, crammed with sophisticated equipment, was unveiled at a meeting of the Simcoe County Chiefs of Police last week, and to the Bradford Rotary Club, which helped sponsor the van.

Constable Bruce Davis, who spear-headed the project, said the chiefs were very impressed with it. The unit is the only one of its kind north of Toronto.

Davis hastened to point out to the Rotarians last week taht the van was much more than a "paddy wagon" and that transporting prisoners is only a small part of its function.


"Just as the criminal element is using more and more scientific means to effect their purpose, the police must strive to keep ahead to effectively combat crime," Davis told the Rotarians.

"For just such reasons, we have built our CAT unit. Our vehicle is equipped to handle all situations at the crime and accident scene.

"It can serve not only as a portable police station, but can be a mobile command post for search proceedings in the case of a lost child, and a complete command centre in a hostage situation and transporting of our tactical squad."

Davis said the van was the result of a total community effort involving the following companies: Traveluc Trailers, Don Coffey Motor Sales, Robinson's Gulf, Norm Davis Auto Body, and Lionel Dawney Signs.

The Rotary Club chipped in $3,000 for the 1974 Ford Econoline Van, and the town of Bradford added $2,500. Equipment was purchased out of the 1978 budget.


It is equipped with television, AM-FM radio, police band radio, CB radio, search and spot lights, photography and identification equipment.

The CAT unit will be available to any neighbouring police force that needs assistance, Davis added.

Chief John Harrison said the theme of police week is "Working together to prevent crime," and the CAT unit was an excellent example of the community working with the police to prevent crime.

"The safety and well-being of the Bradford citizen is in the good hands of the Bradford Police Department," Chief Harrison told the Rotarians.

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