Item PH26593 - Town honors veterans

Town Honours Veterans - pg2 "The noise of the aircraft, the guns..." & "Street names" New street names will honor Bradford West Gwillimbury vets
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CA BWGPL LHC-Newsp-Arti-PH26593


Town honors veterans


  • 1994 (Produção)

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"While dignitaries gather at the war memorials in Normandy on Monday, June 6th a short but emotion-filled ceremony was held at the Cenotaph in Bradford. Between 50 and 60 veterans, their families, and members of the Royal Canadian Legion gathered for a Memorial Service led by Padre O. Hopkins, commemorating the 50th Anniversary of D-day. Among the dignitaries present was Mayor Pat Storey, who laid a wreath at the Cenotaph, in honor of the "boys who never came home." The Mayor was also on hand to confirm that the municipality, as part of the 50th Anniversary activities, will be following the recommendations of Chief of Police John Harrison, and renaming a number of streets after Bradford veterans. "It's something we've been trying to get on with for five years," commented Storey, noting that the proposed names have historical significance, as "the names of people that have contributed to our country and our community." Chief Harrison, who with Special Constable Les Bluestein, carried out the archival background research, told those gathered that following amalgamation, there were a number of duplicate street names in the town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. "Because of confusion in emergency situations, those street names have to be changed," the Police Chief said. Changing the names to honor veterans, living and dead, was an appropriate step, added. Councillors, in Committee of the Whole last night, voted to recommend the renaming of several streets after the veterans, "to honor those individuals while they are still living, and commemorate in part the 50th anniversary of D-Day." Barrie Street in West Gwillimbury will be known as Woolven Rd.; Centre Street in the marsh will be Noble St.; Church St. in Bond ...
(Page 2) ...Head - Booth St.; Simcoe Place i Bradford - Kneeshaw Place; Simcoe Road in Bond Head - Hopkins Rd.; Simcoe Street (the bend from Luxury to the canal) - Walker Avenue; Turner Rd in West Gwillimbury - Breeze Drive; and the Service Road on the north side of Highway 88 - McKinstry Road. For biographies of the veterans see pages 18 and 19."

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Bradford West Gwillimbury Times
June 8, 1994
Vol 4, No. 23
P1 & 2
Microfilm Reel #108

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