17495 - Valenteyn, Mrs. William

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Código de referência

CA BWGPL 17495


Valenteyn, Mrs. William


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Source : The Bradford Witness
Volume Date : Wednesday, February 15, 1956
Volume : Vol. 91, No. 7
Page : 2
Microfilm : Reel # 80

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Event Date : Sunday, February 05, 1956
Event Type : Death
Municipality :
Community : Holland Marsh
Street :
Lot :
Concession : 0
Description : The death occurred at her home on the Holland Marsh on Sunday, February 5, of Mrs. William Valenteyn. Mrs. Valenteyn had not enjoyed good health for several years and her passing was not unexpected. She was in her 60th year.Born at Hilversum, Netherlands, Mrs. Valenteyn spent her younger years, was educated, and married in Holland. In 1927 Mr. and Mrs. Valenteyn came to Canada and resided at Kingston until 1934 when they came as one of the pioneer families to the then little Dutch village on the marsh. Those first years there were ones during which optimism for the future carried them through the hardships of pioneer life, and, like so many others, their optimism and industry were rewarded. Mr. and Mrs. Valenteyn have for many years been rated among the progressive leaders on the marsh.Mrs. Valenteyn, whose maiden name was Johanna Eek, was a quiet, kindly lady, interested in her home and her family. She was a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and her funeral, held on Thursday, February 9, was from Holy Martyrs' Church, Bradford.Mrs. Valenteyn is survived by her husband; one son, John, at home; and one daughter, Mrs. J. R. Ash (Marie) of Pugwash, N.S.; one brother, Wm. Eek, of Holland Marsh, and two sisters in Holland.Rev. F. R. McGinn conducted the funeral services and interment was in the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Bradford.The pallbearers were neighbours and relatives of the family, namely, N. Lenior, G. Valenteyn, H. Valenteyn, M. Valenteyn, A. Valenteyn, and J. J. Van Euyk.

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