Item 2017-03-27-16 - What a bash!

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CA BWGPL LHC-CanCen-2017-03-27-16


What a bash!


  • 1992-07-08 (Produção)

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Newspaper article

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"The Walking Parade left the old St. Mary's school yard at noon, led by the Bradford West GWillimbury Police, Fire Department, and St. John's Ambulance, as crowds holding red and white balloons lined Simcoe Street.
To the stirring sound of the Innisfil Pipes and Drums, marchers - including the IODE, members of the Portuguese Community, a contingent from the Base Camp Borden and the Colour Guard of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 521 - paraded down Simcoe to the Arena, where they marshalled on the soccer pitch. In the reviewing stand, representing the community, were Nick Chreptiuk, Renee Desjardins, Helen and George Jackson, Pat and Ron Kneeshaw, Jamie Snow, Marianne and Trevor Wilson, and Mayor Pat Storey, who read a special Canada Day message.
Then the birthday party began, and what a party it was, with 50 cent hot dogs sold by the Lions, 50 cent drinks sold by the Rotary Club, free watermelon from Bak's Market, and an enormous Canada 125 cake, courtesy of former Deputy Reeve Frances Reid.
There were games for the kids (and their parents), soccer and baseball exhibition games, a bike decorating contest, talent show, a dance out in the open air, and as the finale, the largest display of fireworks ever put on by the Chamber of Commerce, which organized the day's celebrations.
"It's really nice to see so many out, when I understand a lot of people have to work today," said Mayor Storey. "People really are interested in a community event that they can take in - it's like an old-fashioned picnic." "

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Bradford West Gwillimbury Times
July 8, 1992
Pg 13
Microfilm Reel # 104

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