Item 2016-09-14-21 - Women's Institute celebrates 100th Anniversary

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Women's Institute celebrates 100th Anniversary


  • 2002-09-14 (Produção)

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Newspaper article

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"On September 14th, Simcoe South District Women's Institute celebrated its 100th Anniversary, at an Open House and Tea held in Cookstown.
The district received its charter on May 5th, 1902, in Thornton. At one time, the District had 11 branches, including Beeton, Gilford and Bradford, Now, there are only 6 remaining - Bond Head, Churchill, Cookstown, Fishers Corners, Tec-We-Gwill (Newton Robinson) and Tottenham.
At the Anniversary Open House, there was a focus on past achievements, which have included the establishment of a library in Alliston, installation of traffic lights in Bond Head, and work on health and safety issues - but there was also a focus on the future, and the continuing relevance of W.I.
Member of Parliament Aileen Carroll noted that Women's Institutes were founded in the early years of this century, "to work against the isolation (in rural Ontario), to countermand that isolation by bringing together the women... to build cohesion in the community."
Carroll pointed out that the areas of interest of Women's Institute - education and culture, citizenship, international affairs, industry - coincide with the interests of parliamentary committees, and urged W.I. members to stay involved, and to provide their views and input, to "seize the day, continue with these very important initiatives." "

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Bradford West GWillimbury Times
September 14, 2002
Vol. 11, No. 37
Pg 4
Microfilm Reel: Bradford West GWillimbury Times 8

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