Item 5731 - Coburn, John obituary

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CA BWGPL VS-1900-5731


Coburn, John obituary


  • 1941-07-23 (Produção)

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Newspaper article

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Event Date : Sunday, July 13, 1941
Event Type : Death
Community : Newton Robinson

Description : Residing at the home of his son, Mr. Isaac Coburn, during the past months. Mr. John Coburn, a life-long resident of Newton Robinson, passed away here on Sunday, July 13th, in his 94th year. Advanced years had left their mark on the old gentleman, whose faculties had diminished and whose sight was gone, so that his passing was not unexpected.
Born at Newton Robinson, Mr. Coburn resided there throughout his long life until coming to reside at the home of his son in Bradford. Seventy years ago he married Miss Martha Spellet [Spillet] at Newton Robinson. She predeceased him in January of last year. Surviving are four sons, Isaac, of Bradford; Dalton, of Cookstown; Samuel, of Barrie; and Marshal, or Toronto; and a daughter, Mrs. Emma Bragg, of Syracuse, N.Y. Another daughter, Mrs. Annie Blake, predeceased him.
Mr. Coburn was well and favourably known in the Newton Robinson district. Being a carpenter by trade, and a workman highly esteemed for his skillful workmanship, he contacted many people of the district. He was a member of the Anglican church.
The funeral was held from the home of his son, Mr. Isaac Coburn, in Bradford, on Tuesday, July 15th, with interment in Newton Robinson Cemetery. The services were taken by his rector, Rev. Blevin Atkinson, of Cookstown and Newton Robinson. The pallbearers were Messrs. Fred Draper, Norman Chantler, Iyre Wilson, Bert Fisher, Chris. Lee, and Dee Chantler. Relatives and friends from Tottenham, Beeton, and Alliston were present at the funeral to par their last respects to the deceased.

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  • inglês

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Bradford Witness
Wednesday, July 23, 1941
Vol. LXXV. #30
Page 1
Microfilm Reel #74

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