Item 21823 - Collings, Mrs. Ernest A. (Ellen) obituary

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Código de referência

CA BWGPL VS-1900-21823


Collings, Mrs. Ernest A. (Ellen) obituary


  • 1966-12-14 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

Newspaper article

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Event Date : Monday, November 28, 1966
Event Type : Death

Description : After not enjoying good health for the past five years, Mrs. Ellen (Nellie) Collings of Bradford passed away at York County Hospital, Newmarket, on Monday, November 28, 1966, where she was admitted just one week previous. Born in Ottawa 73 years ago, she went to Kerrobert, Sask., as a young girl, where she resided until her marriage to Ernest R. Collings on June 10, 1914, when she moved to Bradford where she resided for the remainder of her life. Up to the time of failing health, Mrs. Collings was a member of Trinity Anglican Church and active in the church choir, quilting club, and a lifetime member of the Women's Auxiliary. She was also a life member of the Women's Institute, and a charter member of the I.O.D.E. and the Bradford Knitting Club. Predeceased by her husband in 1950, she is survived by four sons and three daughters: Mrs. Ellenor Peat of Newmarket, Mrs. Ross Griffith (Anita) of Bradford, Roy A. of Oshawa, Mrs. Gerald Rupke (Margery) of Kettleby, Irwin E., W. Bruce, and Keith R., all of Bradford, 16 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren, Mrs. Emily Foster of Kerrobert, Sask., a sister, and two brothers, Arthur Sutton and Albert Sutton, both of British Columbia. The funeral was held on December 1, 1966, from the Lewis Funeral Home to Trinity Anglican Church. The service was conducted by her rector, Rev. W. H. Warnica. Interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The pallbearers were Norman Collings of Bradford, Dr. Verdon Foster, V.S., of Fergus, Bob McCague of Sarnia, Jim Church, Orville Hand and Edward Bulpit, all of Bradford.

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  • inglês

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The Bradford Witness
Wednesday, December 14, 1966
Vol. 101, No. 50
Page 7
Microfilm Reel # 83

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