Item 21832 - Compton, W. F. obituary

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CA BWGPL VS-1900-21832


Compton, W. F. obituary


  • 1967-04-05 (Produção)

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Event Date : Wednesday, March 29, 1967
Event Type : Death

Description : Death came with startling suddenness last Wednesday evening to one of Bradford's prominent business men, when Mr. William Francis Compton died at his home here. Mr. Compton had been at his place of business, Compton's IGA Groceteria, that day and came home around 6 p.m. He told Mrs. Compton that he was going to have a bath before having his dinner. Later he was found dead in the bathroom by his wife. Death is attributed to a blood clot reaching his heart.
Born in Morell, P.E.I., 67 years ago, Mr. Compton spent his early years in that province, going to U.S.A. in 1922, where he joined the A & P Stores Ltd. He returned in May, 1928, when A & P opened stores in Canada, and continued with that firm until coming to Bradford in 1944, when he purchased the long-established Sutherland's Grocery, operating the business during the first few years as Compton's Groceteria. In 1951 he joined Oshawa Wholesale as a charter member of the IGA in Canada. He continued to operate the business in the old stand until last year, when the beautiful new Compton's IGA was opened on John Street West. He was justly very proud of this fine new store, which was really the realization of a long anticipated plan. A good business man, exceptionally well trained in the food marketing business, Mr. Compton succeeded in his private business and also found time to devote energy to his municipality. He had served both as councillor and reeve of Bradford, in the years before the municipality gained town status, and had also served as president of Bradford Lions Club. Mr. Compton was married at Laggan, Ontario, in September, 1928, to Normanda MacNeil, who survives him with their family of two daughters, Joan (Mrs. K. L. Pond), Ottawa; Norma (Mrs. R. D. Duffy), Toronto; Gordon William, Bradford; sisters and brother, Esther (Mrs. V. H. Dockendorf), Charlottetown, P.E.I.; Frances (Mrs. A. R. Graham), Mussoorile, India; Lydia (deceased); Robbins, Morell, P.E.I. and Elizabeth (Mrs. W. H. Reich), Port Washington, N.Y.; and five grandchildren, who were the delight of his life, Dianne and David Compton and Janet, Allison and Christine Pond.
The funeral was held on Saturday, April 1, from his church, Bradford United, with Rev. D. J. Lute conducting the services. Temporary entombment was in the vault, with interment to be in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Bradford. The pallbearers were Keith Collings, Robert Hanna, Robert Veale Jr., Joseph Alebeck, Wallace Holmes and George Allan.The flower bearers were James Patton, Harold Newns, Charles Davidson, Ronald James and Lester Woolven.

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The Bradford Witness
Wednesday, April 05, 1967
Vol. 102, No. 14
Page 1
Microfilm Reel # 83

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