Item 23846 - Houghton, Elgar P. J. obituary (long)

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CA BWGPL VS-1900-23846


Houghton, Elgar P. J. obituary (long)


  • 1973-02-28 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


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Newspaper article

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Event Date : Saturday, January 27, 1973
Event Type : Death

Description : Funeral services were held on January 30 at the Lewis Funeral Home in Bradford for Elgar P. J. Houghton who died suddenly at his home on the farm of Allan Houghton in Newton Robinson. He was in his 84th year. He was born in West Gwillimbury Township, the fifth son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Houghton of Newton Robinson, and was the last surviving member of that family of ten children. In 1911 he married Myrtle Agar of Stayner. They farmed for a number of years, then sold out and went into the fuel business, first in Elmvale, later in Bradford. He was a member of the United Church. Mr. Houghton was greatly interested in sports and presented a trophy each year to the most sportsmanlike player of the South Simcoe Baseball League. He was a charter member and first president of the Senior Citizens' Club of Bradford. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Muriel (Mrs. K. O. Melbourne) of Toronto, two sons, Gordon of Vancouver, B.C., and Lloyd of Burlington, Ont. Also ten grandchildren and six great-grandchildren survive. Rev. H. Dahlin of Bond Head United Church officiated at the funeral service. Interment will be at Newton Robinson Cemetery.

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  • inglês

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The Bradford Witness
Wednesday, February 28, 1973
Vol. 108, No. 9
Page 5
Microfilm Reel # 86

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