Item 2016-09-02-01 - Sesquicentennial fever!

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CA BWGPL LHC-Event-Anni-Sesq-2016-09-02-01


Sesquicentennial fever!


  • 2007-03-31 (Produção)

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Newspaper article

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"Plans for Bradford's 150th Anniversary are well underway.
The deadline for groups and organizations to register their special Sesquicentennial events for inclusion in the Official calendar is April 1st, and the launch of over a year of celebration takes place May 27th at 3 p.m., with greetings from the Province, a declaration by the Mayor, Birthday cake, raising of the Sesquicentennial Flag, and a tongue-in-cheek skit bu the BDHS Drama Club, re-enacting the incorporation of the Town.
And organizers are already looking for participants for a Sesquicentennial parade, to take place on the afternoon of August 19th, following the same route as the Santa Claus Parade. The theme: 'Bradford Through the Ages.'
Anyone with antique farm equipment, classic or antique cars; representatives of Minor League sports, and hockey alumni of Bradford's historic teams (The Blues, Vasey Jrs., etc); choirs and bands - in fact, any community group, business or organization is invited to participate in this historic event.
The Town is looking for nominations for Parade Marshal. Residents nominate anyone - a local celebrity, sports volunteer, Minister, educator, or former Mayor - for the honorary position. There will also be a contest for Junior Marshal, details to be announced.
Parade application forms are now in the works, and should be available shortly. For more information, to get involved as a Sesquicentennial volunteer or committee member, or to register an official event, contact Joe Lotto at the Recreation Dept."

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  • inglês

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Bradford West Gwillimbury Times
March 31, 2007
Vol. 16, No. 13
Pg 4 col. 1
Microfilm Reel: Bradford West Gwillimbury Times Box 5

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