Item 17796 - Smith, James Henry obituary

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CA BWGPL VS-1900-17796


Smith, James Henry obituary


  • 1956-06-27 (Produção)

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Newspaper article

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Event Date : Friday, June 15, 1956
Event Type : Death

Description : Mr. James Henry Smith of Bond Head passed away in York County Hospital, Newmarket, on Friday, June 15, at the age of 84 years. Mr. Smith had led a very active life until about a year ago, being particularly interested in gardening. Born at Queensville, the eldest son in a family of the nine children of John and Mary Lazenby Smith, he moved with his parents to Concession 4, Innisfil, where he resided until moving to near Bond Head in 1920. In January 10, 1902, he married Hattie Morris of Essa Township who survives him with their two sons, Harold of Toronto, and Alvin of Bond Head, and their two granddaughters, Alice and Velma Smith of Bond Head. A sister, Miss Ida Smith of Bond Head, and a brother, Lessley of Victoria, B.C., also survive. Eleven years ago Mr. and Mrs. Smith retired to Bond Head where Mr. Smith's activities had been confined largely to his home garden which he enjoyed after his active life as a farmer. Formerly a member of the Methodist Church at Bethesda, he had been a member of Bond Head United Church and an elder in that church for a number of years. A friendly man, he was highly regarded among his neighbours. The beautiful flowers sent by Bond Head United Church, the people of Bond Head community, Bond Head public school, Girl Guides, as well as those from more distant points, attested him as a good neighbour and friend.The funeral was held on Monday afternoon from Bond Head United Church, with the services conducted by Rev. R. Love, assisted by Rev. W. J. Burton. Interment was in Thornton Union Cemetery.The pallbearers were Messrs. Harry Wilcox, Gordon Brethet, Jackson Glassford, Wm. Brooks, Wm. Watt and Arnold Rogers.

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The Bradford Witness
Wednesday, June 27, 1956
Vol. 91, No. 26
Page 2
Microfilm Reel # 80

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