Pasta/Processo ReevesBadges - Walter Reeves - Badge Collection

Walter Reeves Badges complete collection Auxiliary OPP badge OPP badge Ontario Government Protective Service badge OPP pin St John's Ambulance badge Anglican Young People's Association pin Walter Reeves photograph 1909 Canadian Lacrosse Association Inter-Champion medal 1905 Ontario Lacrosse Association Champion pendant
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CA BWGPL LHC-TownBWG-Police-ReevesBadges


Walter Reeves - Badge Collection


  • 2017-04-05 (Acumulação)

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Dimensão e suporte

Badges, medals, pins

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This collection of pins, medals, and badges, once owned by Walter Reeves, comes to us in digital format from his descendant, Bill Marks. They were collected from Walter's career as Chief of Police for the Town of Bradford, his participation as a Lacrosse player in the 1909 championship, and his St. John's Ambulance badges.

The Ontario Provincial Police began to operate in the area in the 1930s as a motorcycle patrol, working in conjunction with the Chief of Police of the Town. Walter "Gunch" Reeves assisted the first constable posted to the area, I.R. Spencer, in many of these cases. The first OPP detachment office in West Gwillimbury opened on January 1, 1949, where they worked from the second floor of the township building under Corporal D. Adair.

Walter Arthur Reeves was born in England in 1886, and moved to Bradford when he was 13 years old. He was known as a lacrosse star as he was part of Bradford's 1909 O.A.L.A. Intermediate Lacrosse champion team (medal which is included in this collection). He married Sarah "Sadie" Saint in February 1909. He was a train inspector, and was appointed Town Constable in 1929, a position which he served until his death in 1946 from a heart attack.

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  • inglês

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