Item PH26589 - Thank you for help after Hurricane Hazel

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CA BWGPL LHC-Dis-Hazel-PH26589


Thank you for help after Hurricane Hazel


  • 1994-10-12 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

Newspaper Article

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Bradford West Gwillimbury Times editorial

Description : "All those who were living in the Holland Marsh and other low-lying areas during the Hurricane Hazel flood on October 15, 1954, wish to express their deepest thanks for the help they received from the surrounding communities, such as Bradford and Schomberg. With unselfish effort, they went out of their way to help those who lost homes, crops and personal belongings on that terrible night. Many organizations and individuals put in great efforts to rescue people from their second storeys or attics, ferried them to "dry" land, supplied food and clothing, and opened their homes to those who had no place to go. They assisted in the rebuilding and repairing of the damage. They supplied the facilities to repair damage done to submerged tractors and other farm equipment. The session of the Presbyterian Church in Bradford and Schomberg offered the use of their church buildings, and the council of the Springdale Christian Reformed Church wishes to again express its sincere thanks. A tremendous effort was put forth to set up a trailer park with washroom and laundry facilities. All this, in spite of the damage they suffered themselves from Hurricane Hazel's fury. Last but not least, we should think the Mennonite Relief organization, whose members showed up every day by busloads to help repair our homes."

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  • inglês

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Bradford West Gwillimbury Times
October 12, 1994
Vol. 4, No.31
Pg 4
Microfilm Reel # 107

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