Item 16482 - Webb, James A. obituary

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CA BWGPL VS-1900-16482


Webb, James A. obituary


  • 1954-02-10 (Produção)

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Event Date : Wednesday, February 03, 1954
Event Type : Death

Description : Returning last Wednesday afternoon from Newmarket Hospital, where he had been hospitalized for over a week, Mr. James A. Webb passed away within a few hours of his arrival home early that evening, February 3. He was in his 80th year. Born in West Gwillimbury at what was then Scanlon P.O., but which today is only marked by a creek bearing the name, the late Mr. Webb spent his entire life here, where since early manhood he had been engaged in the butchering business. Married in Bradford to the late Mary Emma Collings, who predeceased him in July, 1948, the late Mr. Webb is survived by a family of three sons and three daughters. George resides in Mimico; James R. carries on the business formerly operated by his father in Bradford; Ben is in Toronto; Miss Birdie is at home; Mrs. Louis Walker (Agatha) lives in Lindsay, and Mrs. Hillary (Mary) at Vandorf. Two sisters also survive, Mrs. Sarah Kitchen of Wyebridge, Ont., and Mrs. Alice Coombs of Bradford. A very active and physically fit man, Mr. Webb remained with his business until 1948, when he left the responsibilities with his son, James. An athlete in his younger days, the late Mr. Webb excelled in lacrosse. When Arthur had a championship lacrosse team in 1899, James Webb was a member of that team and when Bradford were the lacrosse champions in 1909 he was a member of his home team. He never lost interest in lacrosse and was one of the ardent promoters and fans of the more recent Bradford Box Lacrosse teams. Formerly president of the club, last year he was honourary president. He was always at the games, enthusiastically cheering or calling advice to the players. In the passing of Mr. Webb, Bradford lacrosse has lost a loyal supporter. For fifty years Mr. Webb was a member of Simcoe Masonic Lodge. He was a member of Trinity Anglican Church, and for a number of years served on Bradford Public Utilities Commission.The funeral was held from his late residence on Friday afternoon. His rector, Rev. W. S. Johnson, conducted the services and interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Bradford. The funeral was under Masonic auspices and honourary pallbearers were members of that Order, namely, Mel. Waldruff, Frank Smelser, Percy Stevenson, Archie Hammell, Donald Gray and Russell Worfolk.The active pallbearers were his three sons, two sons-in-law, and a nephew, namely, George, James and Ben Webb, Louis Walker, Horace Hillary and Walter Coombs. Business places closed in respect during the funeral hours.

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The Bradford Witness
Wednesday, February 10, 1954
Vol. 89, No. 6
Page 5
Microfilm Reel # 79

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